Important Notification!(重要通知)
- Attention!! IAEAC 2021 will be held online on March 13-14 !!(2021-02-19)
- You can just use mobile phone/iPad/computer to attend our conference. More specific information of this conference, please contact the conference secretary and add QQ Group:647049030.Please download the invitation letter. [会议邀请函和日程安排表下载](2021-02-28)
- 紧急通知:根据IEEE的规定,论文在出版前必须在IEEE系统中签署电子版权书,请作者在收到IEEE全英文邮件(1篇论文只有1个作者收到,内含用户名和密码)后抓紧按邮件要求登录电子版权系统(在2月20日前完成电子版权签署(所有的信息不用去改,按下一步或者继续就可以,最后输入论文上一个作者的英文名,就完成了。);若你没有收到IEEE的邮件(可在垃圾邮件中查找一下),请发邮件到大会邮箱,提供你的论文ID号和新邮箱地址;以免影响文章发表。(2021-02-16)
- 通 知:IAEAC 2021审稿工作已经全部结束,请投稿作者进入投稿系统(查看审稿结果。同时为了论文能在会前发表,请作者按录用通知要求务必在1月18日前在系统中完成论文注册,以免影响你的论文发表。谢谢! (2021-01-10)
- ★IAEAC 2021将由IEEE IAEAC (ISSN:2689-6621)出版,提交EI等检索。(2020-04-08)
- ★热烈祝贺第4届IAEAC全部论文在会后3个月被EI检索(收录)。(2020-03-20)[详细信息]
- ★热烈祝贺第1-3届IAEAC全部论文被EI检索(收录)。[详细信息]
- IAEAC 2021 IEEE Catalog Number: 50856.
- IAEAC 2021已进入IEEE官方会议列表,会议编号:50856。
- ★EI数据库检索论文摘要写作技巧
About the Conference
2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC 2021) will be held on March 12-14, 2021 in Chongqing China. This conference is sponsored by IEEE and Chongqing Global Union Academy of Science and Technology. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by at least two technical program committee members and sub reviewers assigned by PC members of the Conference.All accepted papers will be published by IEEE,which will be submitted to EI index.Excellent papers will be selected and published on SCI and EI journals.
The aim of IAEAC 2021 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Information Technology,Communicates,Network,Electronic and Automation Control. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
Paper Format
- Conference Secretary Teacher.Zhu
- Email:
- Phone: +86.13098608919
- QQ交流群:647049030
- 微信公众号:sci588